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"To Speak Your Word With Boldness (Acts Part 24)"

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Delivered By
Pastor Courts Jetton
Delivered On
July 28, 2024
Central Passage
Acts 4:27-31
Study of Acts

July 28, 2024 Morning Service

Supporting Scriptures:   
  John 3:18-20
  Acts 4:32-37
  Romans 1:18-23
  Romans 2:21-24
  Ephesians 5
Key Phases:
  Blasphemy of God’s name;
  Knowing Jesus & being known by Him;
  Lord & Savior;
  The Church, the Bride of Christ;

Application Questions:
  Do people today hate God or Jesus?
  Why would a person hate God?
  Can Jesus be your Savior while not being your Lord?

A man may study because his brain is hungry for knowledge, even Bible knowledge.
But he prays because his soul is hungry for God!        
                        -- Leonard Ravenhill