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"Stiff-necked and Uncircumcised In Heart and Ears (Acts Part 31)"

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Delivered By
Pastor Courts Jetton
Delivered On
September 22, 2024
Central Passage
Acts 7:1-60
Study of Acts

September 22, 2024 Morning Service  

Supporting Scriptures:   
    Acts 6:15
    James 4:6
    Acts 3:13-15  
    John 16:8  

Key Phases:
    Law to the proud, grace to the humble.
    Personal conviction;
    Stiff-necked & uncircumcised in the heart;
    Resisting the Holy Spirit;
    The Holy One, the Just;

Application Questions:
    Do you ever feel personal conviction?
    What do you do when you experience conviction?

"This world is all the hell that ever a true Christian is to endure,
and it is all the heaven that the unbeliever shall ever enjoy."         
                        -– Johathan Edwards