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"Commanded Not To Teach (Acts Part 28)"

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Delivered By
Pastor Courts Jetton
Delivered On
September 1, 2024
Central Passage
Acts 5:17-42
Study of Acts

September 1, 2024  Morning Service

Supporting Scriptures:  
    Luke 24:46-48
    Matthew 10:16-18
    John 14:6
    John 6:66-69
    2 Timothy 3:10-16

Key Phases:
    Great fear came upon the Church;
    Speak the words of this life;

Application Questions:
    Would you go back and preach the Good News in the temple?
    Would you obey their commandments when they go against what the Lord has commanded?
    Would you take a beating for the Gospel sake?

  "If our preaching of the cross is not an offense to the natural
   man then I assure you, you are misrepresenting it."
                        --Martyn Llyod Jones