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"But You Denied The Holy One (Acts Part 17)"

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Delivered By
Pastor Courts Jetton
Delivered On
May 26, 2024
Central Passage
Acts 3:11-26
Study of Acts

May 26, 2024 Morning Service

Supporting Scriptures:
  Matthew 27:22-25
  Hebrews 10:28-31
  Acts 17:30-31
  Hebrews 1:1-2
  John 8:24

Key Phases:
  Personal sin;
  Delivered up and denied Jesus;
  His blood be on our us and on our children;

Application Questions:
  Are you satisfied with wonder & amazement?
  Do you want God, or just the things of God?
  Are you willfully denning Jesus’ sacrifice?
  Are you trampling the Son of God underfoot?


Let none think that they understand or believe the gospel
who only seeks deliverance from the punishment of sin. Go
on to the fullness of Christ & the deliverance from a slavery of sin.